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Mimid Media is my blog and writing portfolio website, where I explore words, language, writing, media, business and life.


Using the correct words to express intent and emotion is essential to pursuing meaningful communication. However, over time, certain words in the English language have been overused or morphed to the point where their original meaning has been diluted or completely forgotten. As a result, the impact of these words has diminished, leading to, well...misinterpretation. Learning and preserving the true meaning of words in the English language is crucial. It involves delving deeper into their origins, contexts, and connotations to understand their intended meaning. This process not only helps to enrich our vocabulary but also enables us to communicate more authentically. I delve into the history of words, how they have changed through the years, who is behind this phenomenon, and how the average person has contributed to its demise.

Writing and Media.

The rise of diverse media formats such as television, social media platforms, and movies has overshadowed traditional writing mediums. The contemporary inclination is towards digesting quick video clips rather than delving into lengthy written pieces. Our society is now heavily influenced by attention-grabbing headlines and overwhelming information. My articles discuss mass media and communications and their effects on society, both positive and negative, how and why visual media has become so powerful, and who is behind it.

Small Business.

Small businesses are unique in that they each have their own set of traditional business standards. However, they must succeed in the 21st century by adopting new technologies and marketing strategies while remaining true to their values of customer service and community involvement. As someone deeply committed to supporting small businesses, I strongly believe in the importance of striking this delicate balance. I publish articles about various issues and share my struggles as a small business owner. We can learn from one another, and cooperation is necessary for our industries to survive.


I believe success lies in demonstrating compassion and empathy towards others. Compassion and kindness, in turn, necessitates wisdom. Both wisdom and compassion are rooted in one's character. Character is what makes a person stand out from the rest. I'm not an expert in anything; I'm just a lifelong learner who enjoys sharing information and appreciates when others share their knowledge with me. I find a lot of inspiration in the things and people around me. I am a proponent of the idea that everything is connected in some way to the future, present, or past.

Above all else in life, I am always searching for the truth. Discovering the truth means uncovering the lies within yourself, which is not easy. There comes a time in every person's life when they reach the crossroads of either reinventing their perspective or staying safe, surrounded by their cocoon of falsehood. To learn is to live. "Every day is a good day for learning," as my high school principal, Mr. K, used to say every morning at the end of announcements.

I appreciate your reading my work and welcome your comments and suggestions; you can email me at

What is media?

The term “media” encompasses various forms of mass communication, including print, broadcast, and the Internet. We are bombarded with a relentless stream of information from numerous sources, such as television, radio, newspapers, blogs, marketing, books, and movies, leaving us little respite from their influence. With the advancement of technology, there is no denying that whoever owns the media has significant power to influence people.

A few thoughts on mass media:

I am always seeking truth in every aspect of life. I am unwavering in my belief in the purity of the First Amendment, which isn't a right granted by the government but a God-given right for all human beings that should be protected. When I was a girl in the 80s, I dreamed of becoming an investigative journalist. I understood early on the power of words and the importance of asking questions. The news media should not "influence" but instead present only the facts and be a voice of truth for people in a world of lies, allowing people to form their own opinions and make their own decisions.

It truly saddens me that the mainstream media has failed to maintain transparency. Instead of being a "watchdog" for the government, it has become a tool for promoting ideology and rhetoric. We are far beyond the point of reining in the media and reestablishing a journalistic standard when the average journalist and person are persecuted for stating what they think.







War of the words.

Engineered, falsified, adulterated, doctored, fudged, misrepresentation, designed, concocted, fabricated, faked, corrupted, subversive, degraded, perverted, counterfeit, debased, manipulated, deception, invention, twisted, misuse, desecration, buccaneering, brainwashing, programming, gaslighting, conspiracy, subterfuge, trickery, jugglery, double-speak, misrepresentation, skew, baloney, misinterpretation, phony, exaggerated, coloring, biased.

Can you always believe what you read and hear?

The illusory truth effect is a phenomenon in cognitive science. It suggests that people are more likely to believe something if they encounter it repeatedly. This is because of processing fluency when people think in statements they can easily understand and relate to. Repeated exposure can make something more accessible to comprehend, leading to an increased likelihood of belief.

Remember, just because you hear it repeatedly (like a chirping bird) does not make it accurate.

Why do we use, misuse or overuse certain words?

Limited social interactions


Social media

Media (movies, music)

Lack of diverse reading material

Save time (shortcuts to convey a message quickly)

Stay in our comfort zone

little girl and a little boy - she's whispering a secret in his ear
little girl and a little boy - she's whispering a secret in his ear

We should all be mindful of our words and aim to expand our vocabulary. By actively avoiding the overuse (or misuse) of certain words in our everyday language, we achieve more nuanced communication and make our conversations much more interesting (uh-oh, an overused word!).

How many of these words do you use daily?

"You literally gave me a heart attack!"

"That hot dog looks amazing!"

"Like, what is her problem?"

"We had a really nice time."

"I had such a bad day!"

"I really love your dress!"

"He is basically an idiot."

"Do you need help? No, I'm good."