What is a "mimid" ghost editor or writer?
The secret to being a good editor is creating a seamless transition between the editor's revisions and the author's original writing. The editor's changes must not interfere with the originality of the author's voice or differ significantly from it, as it would be visibly noticeable to readers. An adept ghost editor can "mimic" a writer's style and voice almost perfectly. I refer to this style of editing as a mimid or mockingbird style. Mimid is plural for "Mimidae," a family of birds of which mockingbirds are a part. They can remember and replicate the songs of other birds in their natural environment. Pretty cool, yeah?
Ghost Editing Services
Rewrites or revisions: book manuscripts (chapter by chapter) with a combination of ghostwriting & editing
Developmental editing: editing for context, plot holes, character development, consistency in message, sentence structure, etc.
Book rewrites: reconstruct your already published book (unless there are legal restrictions)
Repurposing content (published or unpublished) into a short e-book
Note: these services do not include proofreading
The most common question I receive about ghost editing is:
“How much do you charge?”
Unfortunately, that question has no quick answer, but let's talk turkey.
The cost of a ghost editing project is based on a straightforward process. The quote is determined by time (hours), words (length of manuscript or writing project), and the experience of the ghost editor. Other cost factors are the time it takes to read the manuscript, any required research and communication time (emails, phone conversations, Zoom calls, etc.) and the actual editing.
The ghost editing process is designed to be flexible, accommodating each writer's unique needs and budget. It typically involves a chapter-by-chapter review of the author's manuscript and a final, complete manuscript edit. Depending on the writer's skill level and preferences, the project can be tailored to lean more toward ghostwriting or editing. I do my best to work within an author's budget.
My process: I begin with a consultation with the author or writer via email or phone. This initial conversation allows me to get to know the author, their manuscript, and their general goals. I then request that they send the first chapter of their manuscript for review; this gives me an idea of the time it will take to edit the manuscript and get a feel for the writer's voice and style. I offer feedback on that chapter and sometimes edit it to gauge if the author and I are a good fit.
Here is an example of a quote from a current client (a historical fiction book)—it is broken down into words and hours based on 50,000 words (approximately ten chapters). The dollar-per-hour rate varies depending on the author's skill level and other factors. The book is short in this case, but editing the dialect is difficult because it reflects the language and speech used by poor Irish immigrants from the 1800s.
Reading and research hours for a 50,000-word book:
6 hours @ $X per hour ($X total)
(includes reading the complete manuscript and background research)
Conference call check-ins/email communications/drawing up a contract:
3 hours @ $X per hour ($X total)
Developmental editing (editing for context, plot holes, character development, consistency in message, sentence structure, etc.):
Per page, $X @ 50,000 words - approximately 250 words per page) ( $X total)
Grand Total: $X
The fee for ghost editing can be paid in increments, depending on the length of the project (payment is expected before beginning the next phase of work).
Here's an example:
Increment payment one: X amount of words or chapters ($X)
Increment payment two: X amount of words or chapters ($X)
Increment payment three: X amount of words or chapters ($X)
In many cases, I combine copyediting and developmental editing for one fee/service because it is difficult to do one without the other.
Note: ghost editing services do not include proofreading (the final spelling, punctuation and grammar review before publishing).